
Tips On Health Check



身體檢查須知 Tips On Health Check

1) 體檢前

1) Prior to testing
1.Sufficient sleeping.
2.Urine sampling and female check is avoided during menstruation.
3.Fasting requirement: light dinner prior to testing date, no alcohol and coffee. No breakfast in the morning, little water is allowed, no strenuous exercise.

2) 抽血

3.抽血後壓迫針眼處3 ~ 5分鐘。
2) Blood Taking
1.Fasting at least 4-8 hr is preferable for tests including lipids and glucose.
2.Please report fainting history during blood taking for precaution purpose.
3.Press at least 5 minutes after blood taking.

3) 血壓、靜臥心電圖、運動心電圖

1.血壓 - 測血壓前,避免劇烈運動。
2.靜臥心電圖 - 避免劇烈運動,心情平靜才進行。
3.運動心電圖檢查 - 請穿著輕便衣服、運動服及波鞋。檢查前不可過量進食。避免塗上任何護膚品於胸口上。如有接受定期藥物,必須於預約時通知當值職員。
3) Blood Pressure, Resting ECG, Treadmill
1.Blood Pressure – Avoid strenuous activities before testing.
2.Resting ECG - Avoid strenuous activities before testing.
3.Treadmill – Causal or sporty wear is necessary. Full stomach should be avoided. Do not use cream, talcum powder or lotion over the chest. Inform staff if long-term medication is using.

4) 超聲波

1.關於膀胱脹滿- 有尿急感不等於膀胱脹滿。真正膀胱脹滿會感覺極不快。我們的超聲波專家會評估您是否膀胱真正脹滿。
2.超聲波盆腔 / 前列腺 - 檢查前膀胱要脹滿 (急小便)。
3.超聲波上腹 - 檢查前四至六小時不可進食 (切除膽囊者不適用) 。只可飲適量清水
4.超聲波全腹 - 檢查前四至六小時不可進食 (切除膽囊者不適用)。 檢查前膀胱要脹滿 (急小便)。
4) Ultrasound
1.About Full Bladder - It is important to note that an urge to pass urine does not indicate you are having full bladder. A really full bladder will make you feel uncomfortable. Ultrasound requires full bladder will be judged by our sonographer.
2.Pelvis / Prostate – Full bladder is required.
3.Upper Abdomen – Fasting 4-6 hours, person with cholecystectomy not applied. Little water is allowed.
4.Whole Abdomen –Fasting 4-6 hours, person with cholecystectomy not applied. Full bladder is required.

5) X-光平片、造影、乳腺攝影

1.關於懷孕 - 請不要做X光 (包括平片、造影、乳房攝影) 檢查。
2.消化系統X-光造影檢查 - 胃腸及小腸鋇餐造影前八小時內不可進食及飲水。大腸造影於檢查前一天需要特別準備,有關詳細內容與本中心職員聯絡。
3.子宮及輸卵管造影檢查 - 由經期第一日開始直至檢查當日,須避免性行為。經期乾淨後三天內要檢查。
4.乳房X-光攝影檢查 - 請避免塗上止汗液,潤膚膏及爽身粉。
5.泌尿系統造影檢查 - 檢查前四小時內不可進食。如有哮喘,糖尿病或任何敏感,請通知本中心職員。(糖尿病人應遵照醫護人員指示調節糖尿藥劑量。)
5) X-Ray (Plain, Contrast & Mammogram)
1.If pregnant, any x-ray examination (such as plain, contrast or mammogram) must not be done.
2.Alimentary Tract Contrast – Fasting and fluid intake prohibition for 8 hours are required for barium meal and follow-through. Special preparation prior to examination is required for barium enema. Please contact staff for details.
3.Hysterosalpingography – Sexual intercourse is not allowed from the first day of menstruation until examination. Examination should be done within 3 days after menstruation clears up.
4.Mammogram – Avoid any deodorant lotion or powder before examination.
5.IVU/IVP – Fasting 4 hours before examination. Inform staff for diseases such as asthma, DM, or allergies. For DM patients requiring medication, please consult your doctor for adjustment of medication dosage.

6) 柏士抹片檢查 (女士)

6) Pap Smear (Female only)
1.Avoid intravaginal drugs for 1 week before examination.
2.Avoid douching and sexual intercourse for 1 day before examination.
3.The test should not be done 3 days before and 7 days after menstruation respectively.

7) 收集體液標本

7) Fluids Collection
1.Fluids include urine, stool, secretion, semen etc. Fresh sample yields accurate result.
2.Urine and stool sample: Collect clean container. Mid-stream urine is recommended. Different portions of the stool sample size like peanut is recommended.
3.Secretion: Usually collected by our female staff. Secretion includes HVS usually for routine testing or Chlamydia examination.
4.Semen should be collected by oneself at home or clinic. Avoid sexual intercourse at least 3 days before examination. Fresh sample within 2-3 hours is recommended. Do not collect sample by using condom, but directly into the container.